
Popular dramas in Japan

“Tokyo Dogs” is a detective drama. It is broadcasting at 9’oclock of Monday. One day, a police man who name is Takakura, failed to expose a drug cartel in New York, so he comes Japan and starts to work with Eto. They guard the woman who lost of memory and has the important hint about the boss of the drug cartel. But Takakura and Eto are not getting along with each other, so sometimes their conversation is funny, it looks comedy. The drama is very popular because casts are very famous; Syun Oguri, Hiro Mizushima.

“Liar Game season2” is broadcasting at 9 o’clock of Tuesday. It is sequel to “Liar Game”. It is also popular in Japan. Nao Kanzaki receives 100 million yen and participates in the “Liar Game Tournament”. The game is a scramble for competitors’ money by telling a lie. She fights with Shinichi Akiyama, a genius fraud. This season they fight against company which started the game. It is exciting story and the cast are also famous, Erika Toda and Syota Matsuda.